How Team Recruitment Works in Top Echelon
One recruiter has the job order, while another recruiter supplies the candidate.
The recruiter with the job order is typically referred to as the “importer”—as in the “importer of candidates” from other Network members. The recruiter supplying the candidate is typically referred to as the “exporter”—as in “exporter of candidates.”
Once the importer places the candidate supplied to them by the exporter and receives a fee from their client, a completed split placement has occurred. As per the split placement agreement, the job order recruiter then sends the candidate recruiter their portion of the placement fee.
With every Top Echelon split placement, both recruiters involved also owe a 3% brokerage fee to the Network — 3% from each recruiter equals 6% total. This means both recruiters receive 47% of the placement fee.
Reasons to Make Split Placements in Top Echelon
There are many reasons to build relationships with other recruiters and make split placements in Top Echelon Network:
- Additional opportunities for revenue
- Reduction of overhead
- A more balanced recruiting desk
- Leverage against down times
- More satisfied clients
Recruiters in Top Echelon who work in the same industry and niche do not view each other as competition. Instead, they view each other as partners in the placement process.
The Four Pillars of Top Echelon Network
When Network members adhere to these Pillars and build relationships with
other recruiters, they make more split placements and generate more
revenue for themselves and their agency.
Recruiter Relationships
in Our Split-Fee Network
Network members Wendy Jespersen and David Manns have made 11 split
placements together in Top Echelon, and their recruitment team approach
has helped each of their agencies tremendously.
Recruitment Team Approach = More Placements
Top Echelon Network is committed to helping recruiters deliver the best talent to their clients in the shortest amount of time possible. As a member of our recruiter network, you can tap into the candidate sourcing, client connections and expertise of thousands of recruiters located in the United States and Canada.
It’s a solutions-based approach and it’s the foundation of success in Top Echelon’s split fee recruiting network.
Terry R.
“When I joined the Network, I made the decision that I was going to put significant effort into it and it was going to be an important part of what I did. If you do something, do it right and commit to it. If I can do that, there’s no reason why other people can’t.”
Steve K.
Affinity Executive
Search, Inc.
“For the last 27 years, my Top Echelon membership has been the cornerstone of my business. Those who know me know my motto is that ‘there is always more money to be made via co-op-etition than competition.”
Ron S.
Ron Sunshine
Associates, LLC
“I’ve made over 70 placements in the Network, and the vast majority of them I never would have made if not the Network. There is no doubt in my mind about that . . . I consider myself a lifer in the Network. It’s definitely worked for me. It’s been the most profitable ROI I’ve ever had.”
Place More Candidates, Make More Money
Top Echelon Recruiting Software is Top Rated: