Top Echelon
For recruiters
Manage candidates, clients, and placements all in one place.
Find and place candidates faster
TE Recruit™ helps recruiting agencies find and place candidates faster by streamlining workflows and automating time-consuming tasks such as job postings and candidate sourcing.
Split-Placement Opportunities
When combined with TE Network™ membership, TE Recruit™ enables agency recruiters to seamlessly collaborate with other network members, share job orders and candidates, and facilitate split placements to maximize placement opportunities and revenue.
Niche and Industry-Specific
TE Recruit™ helps recruiters in all industries and niches streamline the recruiting process by automating workflows, centralizing candidate management, and improving efficiency, allowing them to save time and make more placements.
Recruiters can leverage TE Recruit™'s advanced technology and tools to automate administrative tasks, enhance productivity, and deliver greater value to both clients and candidates by focusing on building relationships and making quality placements.
Source, Recruit, Place, Repeat
TE Recruit™ is designed to support recruiters in all industries and niches by providing technology and tools that streamline processes, save time, and enhance placement success. When paired with TE Network™ membership, it enables agency recruiters to collaborate on split placements, expanding their reach and unlocking new revenue opportunities.
Customizable workflows
Customizable workflows allow recruiters to tailor their processes to meet the unique needs of their industries, niches, or clients. This flexibility enhances efficiency by aligning the recruitment workflow with specific goals, ensuring a more seamless and productive hiring experience.
Applicant Tracking
TE Recruit™’s applicant tracking system helps recruiters efficiently manage and monitor candidates throughout the hiring process, from initial contact to placement. By centralizing candidate information and streamlining workflows, recruiters can ensure no details are overlooked while improving organization and productivity.
One-click job posting
One-click job posting enables recruiters to post job openings to multiple job boards and career sites simultaneously, maximizing visibility and attracting a broader pool of candidates. This feature saves time and effort by streamlining the job distribution process, allowing recruiters to focus on evaluating and engaging top talent.
Learn more about the Top Echelon ecosystem
Top Echelon integrates with the tools you use in your outreach, operations, and reporting to close more placements faster.
From the Top Echelon Blog
2025 Talent Acquisition Trends: What to Watch for in the First Quarter
As we enter 2025, the world of talent acquisition is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements, shifting candidate expectations, and
How the Hiring Landscape Will Evolve in 2025: Insights for Recruiters
As we approach 2025, the hiring landscape is undergoing significant transformations driven by technological advancements, shifting workforce dynamics, and evolving
2025 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies for Recruiters
In the evolving landscape of talent acquisition, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies have become more than just a moral
Recruiters love Top Echelon
Kerry B.
KOB Solutions, Inc.
Keith C.
Personnel Resources
One of the best things I’ve ever done as a business person. [Membership] has freed me up to do what I enjoy and utilize my strength in creating more openings, as I don’t spend time recruiting candidates and don’t have to hire researchers.
Michael S
Job Careers
It has been a great ride with TE throughout the years. I have greatly enjoyed the partnerships, camaraderie, stories, and all-around great people that can be found in the Network!
See how recruiters use TE Recruit™
Streamline workflows, manage talent pipelines, and empower your recruiting team to close more placements faster.
I’ve really enjoyed the relationships I have built in the Network, and I rely on my recruiting friends for support and counsel when I encounter challenging issues. The benefits go way beyond the financial. I have a team of TE recruiters who support me in different ways