The blog for recruiters
New Employee Resignation: Who Should Take the Blame?
Nobody likes a new employee resignation or a situation in which a new employee is fired shortly after being hired. (Recruiters commonly refer to both of these situations as a fall-off.) Except maybe the candidate who fell off. Maybe they received another offer after working at their new employer for
Funny Recruitment Stories for Executive Search Consultants
Everybody loves a good story. If you’ve been an executive search consultant for any length of time, then you know the profession is replete with funny recruitment stories. In fact, you’ve probably heard some funny recruitment stories and you might even have told a few, as well. For all you
How to Make Placements: a Focused Strategy for Recruitment
If you’ve already researched how to start a recruitment agency and you’ve become a recruiter, then you’re probably also in the midst of finding out how to make placements. As a recruiter, you’ll discover that once you find out how to make placements, you’ll want to know how to make
Recruiting Millennials: 5 Tips to Attract a New Generation of Top Talent
According to one source, more than one in three workers (35%) are millennials. And according to another source, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by the year 2030. As the number of millennials in the workforce grows, you must adapt your strategies for recruiting millennials.
What Is the Most Popular Type of Recruitment Guarantee?
One of the best ways to find out what recruiters are doing . . . is to ask recruiters what they’re doing. And that’s exactly what Top Echelon did with the topic of recruiter guarantees. The method of discovery? A survey, of course! All of the questions in this survey were
A Guide to Social Media Recruiting Best Practices
In this technological age, recruiting has made its way to social media platforms in addition to other networking websites. According to one source, 73% of companies have used social media to successfully recruit and hire a candidate. Are familiar with social media recruiting best practices?