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Poll: Are Recruiters Getting ‘Annoyed’ with LinkedIn?

by | Nov 1, 2014 | Recruiter Training, Top Echelon Blog

Recruiter Thoughts About LinkedIn? Recent Recruiter Poll QUESTION:

We recently conducted a poll of TE NetworkTM recruiters by posting a question in the Members’ Area.

That question was as follows:

As a recruiter, what are your thoughts about LinkedIn?


The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:

  • I love LinkedIn! — 21.8%
  • I like LinkedIn! — 41.6%
  • I’m lukewarm about LinkedIn. — 11.9%
  • LinkedIn is starting to annoy me. — 12.9%
  • I barely use LinkedIn. — 10.8%
  • I don’t use LinkedIn at all. — 1.0%


In the recent past, you might have been under the impression that the vast majority of executive recruiters loved LinkedIn.  After all, the professional networking site represents a huge candidate pool.

However, is that really the case?  Do just about ALL recruiters love LinkedIn?

Not really.

In fact, the results of this poll reveal that just 21.8% of TE NetworkTM recruiters “love LinkedIn!” However, it should be noted that another 41.6% of poll participants “like LinkedIn!”

Put those two numbers together, and 63.4% of Network recruiters have positive feelings about the professional networking site.  But what about the rest of the recruiters?

Well, 11.9% confess that they’re “lukewarm” about LinkedIn, and 12.9% confess that “LinkedIn is starting to annoy” them.  Another 10.8% “barely use LinkedIn,” and 1% “don’t use LinkedIn” at all.  (That last percentage shouldn’t be too surprising.)


Clearly, the majority of recruiters still have positive feelings about using LinkedIn to recruit.  However, are recruiters “falling out of love” with LinkedIn?  Do fewer recruiters have positive feelings than had them a year ago?  Two years ago?

And the even more important question: if LinkedIn is starting to annoy more recruiters, what exactly are they doing to annoy them?

More questions than conclusions, to be sure, but they’re compelling questions for the future of recruiting and also the future of one of the biggest social media websites on the planet.

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