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Talent Management and Recruiting Software Solutions for Your Industry

Effective talent management is a priority for every recruiter and search consultant, regardless of the industry and/or niche in which they work.

That’s why using the best recruiting software and talent management solution in your industry is so vitally important. You need a solution that will streamline the entire recruiting process from start to finish, so that you save time and effort during the process and make money at the end of it.

Recruiting software solutions for every industry

Top Echelon’s recruiting software solutions have been helping recruiters and search consultants manage talent and the hiring process for 20 years. During that time, Top Echelon has proven itself to be the leading recruitment software for small and growing recruiting agencies, providing first-class customer service, training, and support at the most affordable price point within the market.

But don’t take our word for it. Request a demo of Top Echelon and find out for yourself what the software can do for you and your agency.

The Top Echelon recruitment software serves a wide array of industries and related niches within recruiting and staffing. Among those industries are Healthcare, Information Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Accounting & Finance. Recruiters and search consultants use Top Echelon to streamline their process and their recruiting desk to source the most highly qualified candidates in the shortest amount of time.

Recruitment and ATS solutions for your industry

Healthcare, Information Technology (IT), and Engineering are three of the hottest industries in which to work if you’re a recruiter or search consultant. Demand for highly specialized candidates within these industries is high, meaning that if you can source these types of candidates, then you stand to be successful.

That’s why Top Echelon is the ATS of choice for recruiters working in these industries. In fact, recruiters within these industries who use Top Echelon and are also members of Top Echelon’s split network experience the most success in sourcing and placing highly specialized candidates. (Healthcare, IT, and Engineering are also three of the top industries within Top Echelon’s recruiting network.)

Healthcare recruitment

It’s not exactly a secret that Healthcare has been one of the fastest-growing industries in the employment marketplace during the past several years. In fact, this has been the case for over a decade. The merging of Healthcare and technology have contributed to advances not only in medicine, but also to the expansions of professions within the industry. More specialty areas exist now than ever before, and chances are good that the trend is only going in one direction.

Technology has also changed the way in which job candidates and job seekers search for jobs within Healthcare. As a result, recruiters must use Healthcare software that is mobile-friendly and provides tools and features that make it easy and simple for candidates and job seekers to apply for jobs online. In addition, with a lack of qualified candidates in several fields within Healthcare (especially the more specialized fields), recruiters should use an intuitive software package that streamlines the recruitment process and also sources top talent on a consistent basis.

As mentioned previously, Healthcare is typically one of the top five industries in TE Network™ year in and year out. As a result, Top Echelon’s software is uniquely positioned to provide recruiters and search consultants with what they need in a Healthcare recruiting software. Top Echelon has been in business for over 30 years, and during that time, we’ve witnessed the many trends in Healthcare, including the industry’s meteoric rise within the marketplace.

IT recruitment

While the advancement of technology has had an impact on the Healthcare industry, it’s had an even more profound effect on IT recruitment during the last several years. Information Technology and the various niches and professions contained within it are “ground zero” for technological advances. What that means is things move very quickly. New trends develop and emerge on an almost daily basis, creating sudden shifts in the marketplace and forcing IT recruiters to be nimble, flexible, and proactive in terms of sourcing and recruiting the right candidates for their clients.

In addition, IT is an industry that cascades across other industries. For example, there are plenty of IT professionals who work within the Healthcare industry. The same goes or Engineering and Manufacturing. In fact, it’s difficult to find a profession that Information Technology does not touch. That fact underscores the importance of using the right software for your IT recruitment efforts. The best recruiting software is a package that is as nimble and flexible as you need to be.

If you’re an IT recruiter in today’s ever-changing and transforming marketplace, then you should consider Top Echelon as your ATS solution.

Engineering recruitment

Engineering recruitment is yet another industry in which the Top Echelon software excels. What we understand better than anybody is that job candidates and job seekers are different within different industries. In other words, what somebody in Engineering wants in an attractive job might be different than what somebody in Healthcare wants. Or IT, for that matter.

With that in mind, Top Echelon’s recruiting software solutions provide a wide range of customization within its software. This allows you to tailor the search to whatever industry in which you’re working, highlighting what is most important and giving you access to the right tools and features at the right time. Recruiting is a “game of inches.” This means that there is no prize for second place. Only the recruiter who fills the position with the best candidate in the shortest amount of time earns the placement fee. The last thing you want is for your recruiting software to slow you down to the point where you can’t present the candidates that your clients want to see as quickly as they want to see them.

Like Healthcare and IT, Engineering is annually one of the top five industries within TE Network™, and Network members use the Top Echelon software to help them source and recruit top Engineering candidates for their clients’ open positions.

How to select the right recruiting solutions and ATS software

There are many factors involved when it comes to selecting the right recruiting and ATS software for your particular industry. If you recruit in the Healthcare, IT, or Engineering industries, then you should definitely consider Top Echelon as the recruitment software solution for your firm or agency.

In short, you want a recruiting software that works the way that you work—or at the very least, will allow you to work the way that you want to work. It must be simple to use, intuitive, and fit nicely into your recruiting desk and your clients’ recruiting process. In addition, it must offer all of the tools and features that you consider to be a necessity, the “must haves.” Then it should also have more than a few “nice to have” features that will help to eliminate problems and make your life easier.

Last, but certainly not least, the right recruiting and ATS software should be affordable. It should fit within your budget and provide tremendous value for the money that you pay for it.

Recruiting software solutions and ATS pricing

Speaking of which, the Top Echelon recruiting software offers a straightforward pricing structure for its applicant tracking system. There are two price points for Top Echelon. The first is the monthly plan, which is $75 per user per month. The second is the annual plan, which is $63.75 per user per month, a 15% savings off the monthly plan.

With the annual plan, a user of Top Echelon pays for their software a year in advance. For a single user, the cost would be $765 per year. The annual plan is very popular with users of the software.

The next step is easy! It’s to get a free, no-obligation trial or schedule a quick demonstration of Top Echelon with us. When you sign up for a trial, NO credit card is required and you’ll get the full version of the software.

You can also sign up for a LIVE demonstration of the Top Echelon recruiting CRM software. If you’d like more information before deciding how to proceed with Top Echelon, we encourage you to visit our website by clicking here.


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