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Recruitment 2020: 5 Questions Search Consultants Should Ask

The end of any given year is that time when agency recruiters and search consultants conduct a little introspection.

Specifically, they analyze what happened on their desks during the previous 12 months. This includes assessing their billings and whether or not they reached the goals they had set for themselves at the outset of the year. (Assuming of course, that they did set goals . . . which we absolutely recommend!)

Most search consultants want to reach their peak potential. Because after all, reaching your peak potential as a recruiter also means earning more money. Theoretically, it means earning more money than you’ve ever earned before. So as the New Year and a new decade looms before us (Recruitment 2020), it makes perfect sense to reflect on 2019 so you can tackle the next 12 months—and the next 10 years—with the twin barrels of enthusiasm and optimism.

Recruitment 2020: 5 questions to ask

To help tackle these next 12 months, we’re going to draw upon the wisdom of recruiting industry trainer Scott Love. According to Love, there are five questions that search consultants should ask before 2020 arrives:

#1—What are my strengths?

Let’s start with the easy question. Everybody likes to think about their strengths, about those things that they know they’re good at doing. More specifically, though, what are the strengths that help you make placements? At which parts of the recruiting process are you especially proficient? Use two pieces of paper as you record your answers, if you need to.

#2—What are my weaknesses and deficits?

Uh-oh. It’s the other side of the coin. The darker, less attractive other side of the coin. Unfortunately, not many people are willing to take a good, hard look at their deficiencies as a recruiter and search consultant. However, how can you possibly fix something if you don’t know what that something is? Sure, everybody would love to only focus on those things they do best and that they’re good at doing. But that’s not going to help you break through any plateaus.

#3—How can I exploit and capitalize on my strengths?

Okay, back to your strengths. Ahhhhh . . . doesn’t that feel better? Obviously, you want to do the things that you do well even better. It stands to reason that if you can accomplish that, then you will be even more successful in the New Year. Keep in mind that being “good enough” is NOT good enough. You don’t want to be merely good. You should want to be great.

#4—How can I overcome my deficits?

Uh-oh. We’re returning to your weaknesses. Now, not only do you have to identify them, but you also have to devise a plan for overcoming them. This, of course, can include continuous training and education, including recruitment training videos. Remember: you’re only as strong as your weakest link. Eliminating weaknesses should be a top priority for you as we enter the New Year.

#5—How can I use my deficits to my advantage?

Or to put it another way, what will overcoming your deficits mean for your recruitment desk in 2020? What will it change? How will it change it? What good things can you expect to happen because you took the necessary steps to address your weaknesses? Your answers to all of these questions should make you more excited about tackling the New Year!

Recruitment 2020: 7 things to learn MORE about

It’s extremely critical to become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. The recruiting profession is a relationship business. The first and most important relationship is the one that you have with yourself. The key is to get your ego out of the way. Then, and only then, will you start reaching your peak performance levels.

According to Love, there are seven deficit categories in the recruitment profession. They include the following:

  1. Knowledge of the placement process
  2. Knowledge of classical sales and principles of influence
  3. Understanding of relationship development, including communication skills
  4. Self-esteem and self-concept; the feelings of deserving to win
  5. Strategy and goal setting
  6. Habits, including time management
  7. Call reluctance

Keep in mind that this practice is not just for you individually, but it’s also for your entire team. With that in mind, during your next group training meeting, give each other an honest grade in each of these areas. Identify your areas of greatest strength and weakness, as well as those of your co-workers. Then discuss how you can exploit your strengths and rectify your weaknesses.

“In our business, you can’t hide from poor performance,” said Love. “Because of this, it’s easy to look for excuses for why you’re not performing. The economy. The database. The bad clients. The candidates. The boss or the system. But the reality is that YOU are completely in control of your success in the search business.”

Scott Love of The Attorney Search Group trains, motivates, and inspires recruiters to achieve greatness in the profession. In addition, Love has served as a keynote speaker at Top Echelon conferences and has also been a contributor to the Top Echelon Expert Recruiter Coaching Series of webinars.

Prepare for a great year in 2020 by participating in our free online recruitment training courses!


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