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Clients Receive a Grade of ‘C’ for Their Hiring Process

Recruiter Poll Question:

We conducted a poll of Top Echelon recruiting network members.

That question was as follows:

Which grade would you give your clients for the length, efficiency, and effectiveness of their overall interviewing and hiring process steps?

Poll Results:

The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:

  • A — 0.0%
  • B — 31.0%
  • C— 44.8%
  • D — 23.0%
  • F — 0.0%
  • Is there a grade lower than F? — 1.1%


Well, let’s get the easy stuff out of the way first: not one recruiter gave their clients either an “A” or a “F” for their hiring process . . . although “Is there a grade lower than F?” did garner a few votes.  Needless to say, there are many recruiters who are not in love with the effectiveness of their clients’ hiring process.

However, 31% of poll participants did assign a grade of “B.”  But the most popular answer among recruiters in the poll was “C,” and it wasn’t even that close at nearly 45%.  Another 23% slapped their clients with a grade of “D.”

That’s really NOT a good showing by companies that are looking to attract the best talent available in the marketplace.

Analysis and Conclusion:

There is still a rather substantial disconnect between what’s going on in the marketplace and what’s going on inside the minds of hiring managers.

To attract and ultimately hire top talent, companies need a hiring process that is at the very least streamlined and efficient.  However, it does not appear that companies possess such a process—certainly not the majority of them.

As a result, recruiters are tasked with the responsibility of educating their clients about the nature of the marketplace, the value of building a process that is conducive to hiring the best candidates, and the importance of making changes to that process if necessary.

Why do you think that disconnect continues to exist?

(Editor’s Note: TE Network™, the leading split placement network of recruiters, consists of over 400 recruitment firms and 1,000 individual recruiters throughout the United States and Canada.)


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