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How ‘International’ is YOUR Recruiting Desk?

Now, more than ever, we find ourselves in a global economy.  What happens all the way across the globe can have a definite impact on what happens in this country.

But what about recruiters?  How “international” are their recruiting desks?  We decided to find out with our weekly poll question.

Of course, as is often the case when it comes to recruiting, the bottom line is placements, in this case whether or not those placements are international in nature.  As a result, below is the question that we posed to recruiters in the poll:

Of the placements you’ve made during the past 12 months, how many of them were associated with a position located outside of North America?

The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters who selected each one:

  • None—83.7%
  • One—8.7%
  • Two—3.8%
  • Three—1.0%
  • Four—0.0%
  • More than four—2.9%

It’s probably not surprising that the majority of recruiters who participated in the poll haven’t made a placement associated with a position located outside of North America—the vast majority, as a matter of fact, at 83.7%.

However, international placements did not get “shut out,” so to speak.  Nearly 10% of recruiters have made at least one placement outside of North America and nearly 5% have made either two or three such placements.  Then there’s the almost 3% who have made four or more placements of that nature during the past 12 months.

This could certainly be indicative of a growing trend among recruiters.  Talent is not just in demand by U.S. companies in this country, but also by U.S. companies located outside of North America and by foreign companies, as well.  As always, the recruiters who are able to locate, recruit, and present that talent are the ones who are rewarded.

What about YOUR recruiting desk?  How many of the placements that you’ve made during the past 12 months have been associated with a position located outside of North America?  Do you believe this is a continuing trend?  If so, how do you think it will affect the recruiting landscape during the next five years?


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