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Poll: 63% of Recruiters Say 2011 Was a Better Year Than 2010

by | Jan 4, 2012 | Recruiter Training, Top Echelon Blog

It’s 2012—a New Year for recruiters!  But how did the old year (2011) treat recruiters?

Well, we found out.  How?  A recruiter poll, of course!

Specifically, we conducted a poll of recruiters from all across the country, and in that poll, we posed the following question:

How did 2011 compare to 2010 for your recruiting business?

The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters who selected each one:

Much better—38.0%
A little better—25.3%
About the same—20.3%
A little worse—8.9%
Much worse—7.6%

Okay, first the good news: over 63% of respondents indicated that 2011 was a better year for their recruiting desk than 2010.  True, it was better for some recruiters than others, but better is still better . . . and better is definitely better than worse.

But before we get to worse, a little over 20% of recruiters chose “about the same” as their answer.  Of course, we don’t know how well they fared in 2010, so that answer might actually indicate that they enjoyed a good year in 2011.

Now on to the bad news: 8.9% of respondents chose “A little worse” and 7.6% chose “Much worse.”  If you want to spin these numbers in the most positive light possible, it could be pointed out that of all the recruiters who participated in this poll, ONLY 7.6% indicated that 2011 was a much worse year for their recruiting desk than 2010… which means that 92.4% indicated that 2011 wasn’t a much worse year.

What about YOU?  How did 2011 compare to 2010 for your recruiting business?  Was it much better?  A little better?  Or did your year fall on the other side of the spectrum?  Perhaps most importantly, what contributed to your answer during the past year?

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