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The Most Popular Headset Among Recruiters

For many recruiters, the telephone headset is their best friend, especially considering how much they’re on the phone during a given day.  With that in mind, we decided to conduct a survey of recruiters across the country and ask them a series of questions about telephone headsets.  Some of the answers that we received were predictable, but there were some interesting and surprising answers, too.

First and foremost, we wanted to determine what percentage of recruiters actually uses telephone headsets.  Now you might be tempted to answer, “All of them!”  However, that would be incorrect.  In fact, it’s not even close to all of them, if our survey is any indication.  Below is the first question that we posed in our survey:
Do you use a headset?
The choice of answers that we listed is below, along with the percentage of recruiters who selected each one.

  • Yes—72.4%
  • No—26.1%
  • No Responses—1.3%

As you can see, over a quarter of all respondents indicated that they don’t use a headset at all.  They just use the telephone receiver, like they’ve always done.  So the answers to that question were a bit surprising, although maybe they shouldn’t have been.

But that question spawned another, which was the second question on our survey.  That question along with the survey results, are listed below.
If you use a headset, what type do you use?

  • Wireless—29.9%
  • Bluetooth—4.1%
  • Wired—40.4%
  • No Responses—25.4%

Once again, the answers were a bit surprising.  Over 40% of respondents indicated that they use a wired headset as opposed to a wireless one.  Just a shade under 30% of respondents chose “Wireless” as their answer, so more recruiters use a wired headset than use a wireless one.  Once again, a bit surprising.

Okay, time for the big one.  We basically asked recruiters what their favorite headset is by presenting to them this question:

Supply the make and model of the headset you are currently using.

Now we didn’t supply any multiple-choice answers for this question, but we gave recruiters the opportunity to provide their answers in a text box.  Far and away, the most popular answer was “Plantronics.”  How popular?  Over 63% of recruiters chose “Plantronics” as their answer, and that included a number of different models.  Some recruiters didn’t even know which model of Plantronics they were using.

Do you use a headset?  If so, is it wired or wireless?  And is it a Plantronics brand?  Or some other name brand?  As always, we greatly appreciate your feedback.

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(330) 455-1433, Ext. 142


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