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Recruiters, Make These 6 Changes on Your Desk!

The Great Recession was challenging for executive recruiters, and at times even gut-wrenching.  It was necessary to dig deep within yourself and often make three times as many calls for 25% of your normal results—but you did it!

Our business is cyclical, and the cycle is moving toward increased job order flow and candidates who are willing to consider a career move.

No matter what your current level of success, there is always room for improvement.  Success is not something you get; it’s something you continually become.  Can you imagine the impact if you implemented one change each month during this entire year?

Below are six changes on your desk that you should make:

1. Aim 85% of your marketing efforts at your best business.

Review where you’re making placements and strategically identify prospects that could duplicate your best business.  Review the job title, salary range, industry, location, fee percentage, and payment history when conducting your revenue modeling.

2. Commit to specific results DAILY.

Know the exact income level you expect to earn.  Review your individual numbers, ratios, and stats and figure out what minimum results you need to generate daily to hit your income goals.  Write down the results and commit to achieving them daily.

3. Focus on send-outs.

Your job in three words: book send-outs.  My definition of a send-out is a candidate in front of a decision maker—first interview.  If you want to increase sales, production, and income, then increase the number of send-outs booked.

4. Work on hot job orders/assignments.

Review the job orders or contract assignments you’ve written since the first of the year and then review how many of them you’ve filled.  You need to focus on the clients who provide you with results.  Ask clients for a specific target date to fill and determine what problems exist as a result of this job being open.  The greater the problems, the greater the urgency to fill.

5. Plan!

The greatest common denominator of the most successful billers in our profession is planning.  If you are not a planner, start out by writing down your top six priorities closest to the money every day before leaving work.

6. Segment your day.

Quit multi-tasking and not getting anything completed throughout your day.  Hold your incoming calls and email from 9 to 11:30 a.m. each morning and accomplish 65% of your outgoing calls before noon.

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Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS is a guest writer for the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog, and you can hire her for your next conference or event or for in-house training.  Barb’s training techniques have guided thousands of recruiters to a higher level of sales and profits.  She is best known for her methodical, easy-to-implement strategies that she shares with her audiences.  Her enthusiasm is contagious!  If you would like to hire Barb, please call 219.663.9609, email, or visit Good as Gold Training online.


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