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The Rest of 2010 is the Recruiting Iron Red-Hot… or Ice-Cold?

It’s the first of December… the last month of the year.  Is there any more business to be had?  Are clients still looking to hire in the last 31 days of 2010?

They could be, but recruiters’ window of opportunity might be limited.

Some companies might have closed the books on the year already, at least in terms of their hiring.  However, others may still have their books open, and if they do, they could be extremely motivated to complete their hiring activities for the year and get those books closed.

Scott Riffle, CPC of SJR & Associates, a Preferred Member of TE Network™, has been a recruiter since 1977.  According to Riffle, the first few days of December is very telling in terms of what recruiters can expect on their desks during the rest of the month.

“I’ve done this long enough to know that if you don’t have it in action during the first week of December, you won’t get it closed before the end of the year,” said Riffle.  “But this is a good time to get it going right now, because if companies want to fill a position, they also want to close it and pay you for it before the end of the year.  So now is the time to do it.”

What are you experiencing?  Are your clients done hiring for the year, or are they hurrying to fill open positions before the holidays arrive?  Is this year different than in years past, and if so, how so?  Do you prefer to have everything wrapped up by the first of December, or do you not mind a flurry of activity at the end of the year?


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