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What Recruiters Should Do to Prepare for 2011, Part 1

With only a couple of months left in the year, recruiters should be thinking about and planning for 2011.  With that in mind, today’s “Top Echelon Recruiting Tip” comes from industry trainer Dave Knutson of The Knutson Group, LLC.

According to Knutson, there are some specific things that recruiters should be doing right now to prepare for the upcoming year.

#1—Market, Market, Market

“What recruiters need to be doing, more than ever, is marketing heavily,” said Knutson.  “They also need to think about what they need to do to improve their marketing, whether it’s their website or some kind of email blast.”

#2—Celebrate (and Promote) Your Success

“What’s amazing to me is the number of recruiters who don’t celebrate their successes,” said Knutson.  “They don’t send out any type of press release or email newsletter that talks about a completed search, something like ‘ABC Firm just hit another home run and placed a VP of Sales.’  People aren’t going to know how good you are unless you tell them.  Recruiters don’t promote themselves very well.”

#3—Visit Your Clients

“There was a TV show a couple of years ago of a CEO passing out airplane tickets to his people,” said Knutson.  “They asked what they were for, and the CEO said it was for visiting their clients.  I think we should start doing that again.

“So many recruiters just want to ‘stay in their tube’ and not go out and meet their clients or their candidates.  They say, ‘I work nationwide, I can’t do that stuff.’  Well, if you’ve got a client you’ve done one search with, wouldn’t you want that to be a client that you’ve done 10 or 15 searches with?  That’s what visiting your clients will do for you.  You’re only as good as your last placement.”

Be sure to check out the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog for further installments in this series.

(Dave Knutson has 25 years of recruiting experience that are reflected in The Knutson Group, LLC’s high standards of professionalism throughout the recruiting process.  He is a nationally sought after speaker, trainer, and business coach.  Visit the Knutson Group’s website.)


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