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6 Ways Recruiters Can Adapt Quickly to Change

It’s important to adapt quickly to change in order to remain competitive.  Instead of viewing change as a possible adversary, you need to . . .

  • Accommodate it
  • Align with it
  • Use it to grow your business!

LEARN TO EMBRACE CHANGE!  Below are six ways that recruiters can adapt quickly to change:

#1—Stress what’s in it for THEM.

It’s up to you to manage the pressure, stress, and psychological load of implementing changes.  You will succeed faster if everyone involved understands how changes will benefit them.  You are the person who must be in charge of delivering the benefits of changes made.

#2—Make quick adjustments.

The only certainty is things will change.  Invest your energy in not only change, but also the ability to make quick adjustments.  It’s important that you instantly align with trends in order for your company to succeed.  You must make difficult decisions quickly in order to protect your profits and the future of your company.

#3—Remain flexible when setting priorities.

During periods of change, priorities often change and need to be reordered.  Always focus on the best use of your time.

#4—Abandon the expendables.

Let go of these beliefs:

  • “I liked the way it used to be.”
  • “I like the way we’ve always done it.”

These attitudes will sabotage any chance of your company remaining competitive.

#5—Hire what you don’t know or enjoy.

  • If you don’t understand social media—hire a teenager.
  • If you don’t like details or research—hire a researcher or a third-party provider.
  • If you are overwhelmed—hire a grunt.
  • If you love to produce, but not manage—hire a manager for your business.

#6—Do what works.

The best way your company can show it cares is by doing what works and get results.  Caring management is best defined by the end result and proves that change and growth are linked together.

As an owner/manager, your job is to:

  • Arouse passion in your team and let their creative juices flow
  • Fire your team up from within
  • Point people in the right direction and then get out of their way
  • Replace rules with reason
  • Inspire and energize your sales team
  • Capture their hearts—their bodies will follow

Do you remember Eastern Airlines, Howard Johnson’s, or Woolworth’s?  If your company misses a critical bend in the road, it may never catch up.


  • Cell phones will all but replace your computer.
  • You will have virtual employees and flex hours.
  • Cell phone numbers are the most valuable means of communication.
  • Your social media presence will drive increased business.
  • And that’s just a hint of what’s around the corner!

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Barb Bruno, CPC/CTS is a guest writer for the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog, and you can hire her for your next conference or event or for in-house training.  Barb’s training techniques have guided thousands of recruiters to a higher level of sales and profits.  She is best known for her methodical, easy-to-implement strategies that she shares with her audiences.  Her enthusiasm is contagious!  If you would like to hire Barb, please call 219.663.9609, email, or visit Good as Gold Training online.


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