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3 Main Reasons Why Recruiters Need a Website

Why do recruiters need a website?

Let’s start with the obvious: just about the entire world is on the Internet.  You can do anything and everything on the Internet.  You can get your news and information, you can order goods and services, you can watch your favorite television shows and movies . . . the list is practically endless.

The fact of the matter is that if you give your recruiting firm name to a candidate or client, the very first thing they’re going to do is look you up on the Internet.  They’re going to “Google” the name of your firm and see what comes up.

As a result, a recruiter must have an online presence.  If you don’t have one, you’re already behind your competition, and the race hasn’t even started yet.

While the reasons that a recruiter should have a website are numerous, below are the three main ones:

#1—A positive image

Not having a website can be a serious blow to your image, especially if younger job seekers want to know more about you and your services.  Remember, these candidates have grown up on the Internet.  It’s all they know; they can’t envision a world without it.  Therefore, if your firm doesn’t have a website, for all intents and purposes, it doesn’t exist.


A website is one of the most cost-effective means to advertise your firm and its services to the masses.  Your website can reduce costs by answering frequently asked questions (FAQs); offering detailed and targeted information about your services, both in print and also via short videos; and also providing pertinent contact information.  Not only is advertising in print media not effective in general, it’s not cost-effective, either.

#3—The ability to sell 24/7

Job seekers are always looking for jobs, and the main way in which they do so is on the Internet.  These job seekers could be looking at your website late at night, while you’re fast asleep.  Your site can be selling your firm and its services not only to candidates, but also to prospective clients, when you’re not able to do so.

To take that final reason one step further, being able to post your jobs on your website greatly enhances your Web presence and transforms your site into an interactive hub for job seekers in your industry and niche.  Job seekers can view your jobs, submit their resume, and apply for positions of interest.

Why does a recruiter need a website?  To make more placements!


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