businessman relaxing outdoors

Why Retirees are a Great Source of Contract Candidates!

Now, more than ever, companies are looking to hire skilled workers on a contract basis.  Contract staffing isn’t just a now-and-again phenomenon or stop-gap measure—it’s a way of conducting business for companies in the new economy. If you’re a recruiter and you place direct hire candidates, you should seriously consider

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11 MORE Tips Recruiters Can Use for Closing Candidates

In my previous post for the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog, I listed 10 tips for how to close candidates in recruitment. What follows are 11 MORE tips for helping your candidates act decisively.  Some of the ideas are last resorts and some are standard questions to ask of every

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10 Recruiter Tips on How to Close a Candidate

Most recruiters know that you must not extend an offer to a candidate without a commitment to accept. Once you extend an offer of employment to a candidate, they will no longer share information with you, as they have no incentive to do so.  Therefore, it’s your job to carefully orchestrate

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close up of smiling businessman with smartphone

The ‘Triplicate-Triplicate’ Entrance to the Gatekeeper Call

Okay, you now have your MPC and your FAB presentation.  Now it’s time for the “rubber to meet the road.”  No more delays.  IT’S TIME TO MARKET!  And it’s time to meet the gatekeepers . . . with the “Triplicate-Triplicate” entrance to the gatekeeper call. Every gatekeeper is eventually going to

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young man and woman sparring

How to Sharpen Your Attitude Edge as a Recruiter

An edge is all you need to get ahead in the world of executive search.  You either close the deal or you don’t, and sometimes you get the account by a hair compared to your competitors.  So just a slight edge is all it takes sometimes to win the competition’s

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10 Things to Do BEFORE You Start Recruiting

Our clients expect one thing from us—to provide them with results.  They depend on us to help them identify and hire the best talent available. Technology has greatly impacted our profession, but the best candidates are still the “passive candidates” who are currently working, but who will make a change

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close up of an open handshake

How Recruiters Can Close an Inspired Sale

Some interactions with customers almost seem to be divinely inspired, while others feel like you’re trudging though mud and muck, getting nowhere fast.  What’s the cause of these very different scenarios? The Inspired Sale, one in which the buyer feels a compelling need to buy and buy from you, always

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businessman in handcuffs close up

2 Ways to Overcome the Myth of Candidate and Client Control

There is a myth in our industry, and it has deluded many well-intentioned recruiters.  It’s called candidate control and client control. Ever hear of these phrases?  If you have, then you have been deceived. You can NOT control other people.  If you think you can control them, then you will

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