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Learn how to ask client for budget. increase.

How to Ask Your Client for a Bigger Budget

You make money by getting clients to pay you for your recruiting services. At some point, you might discover that you need to ask a client for more money. There are many reasons you might need to ask your clients for a bigger budget. Your client might change who they

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Setting up a Recruiter Commission Structure

Agencies may earn money through recruiter fees, but how do recruiter employees get paid? Recruitment agency owners may decide to compensate their employees with a variety of wages, including commissions. How does a recruiter commission structure work? Commissions are wages that reward workers for accomplishing a goal, like making a

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recruitment agency fee structure

Types of Recruitment Agency Fee Structures You Can Use

You want to get big recruitment fees, but how do you best charge clients to get the maximum possible fees? You have multiple options for billing your clients. The recruitment agency fee structure you choose depends on the situation and your goals. Recruitment agency fee structure types Below are the

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4 Main Types of Content for Your Recruiting Website

It’s very true that your recruitment website design is very important. However, so is the content that’s contained within that website. When it comes to content, first you must identify your target audience. Then you must tailor your content to their particular needs. So who’s the target audience for your recruiting website? Job

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Cartoon man in distress because he chose his recruiting website color wrong.

Is Your Recruiting Website the Wrong Color?

Choosing a color scheme for your website might not be as black and white as you think. Since we’ve been designing and building recruitment websites for over 15 years for the the recruiting and staffing industry, one of our customers asked the following question: “What are the best colors for recruiting

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best recruitment websites

The Best Recruitment Websites Do These 3 Things Right

A lot of personal preference is involved when it comes to the design of a recruiting firm’s website.  However, there are certain points you should keep in mind when putting your site together.  A recruitment website design is about more than just what the site looks like and feels like,

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Optimize Your Internet Recruiting in 3 Easy Steps

People who visit websites have a very short attention span.  They expect to find what they’re looking for within seconds, and they want a good experience in the process. A recruiting website design has to accomplish three basic functions within the visitor’s first five seconds.  Otherwise, there’s a risk of losing

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recruitment team

The Recruitment Team Approach to Making More Placements

You’ve heard the phrase before: “Two heads are better than one.” With that being said, three or four heads are probably even better than two. But for the purposes of our discussion of a recruitment team, two heads will do just fine. Why two? Because two represent the amount of

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