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5 Benefits of Video Recruitment

Throughout the pandemic, remote work and use of technology to bridge any gaps were among the biggest challenges for employers. However, through this process, many employers realized that these remote technologies were beneficial to keep around long-term. One of them being: Video Recruitment.

Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, and so on. Being able to meet face to face no longer has to be in-person all the time. Though it is a changeup for many who are used to the office culture and knocking on an office door, for many it has been an easy adjustment. For recruiting, there are some definite benefits to being able to schedule video interviews!

Here are five benefits to maintaining video calls as a part of your recruitment process:


Enables remote-working candidates

While there are some great benefits of video calls, one of the biggest benefits all workers alike are finding is that it allows them to stay at home or wherever they work best. This has opened up countless opportunities for workers who would otherwise not be able to work in certain parts of the United States or even around the world. Being able to open the doors for many different kinds of remote workers allows for much more output just due to the amount of top talent that is out there in the candidate market.

For recruiters specifically, an advantage is being able to connect with clients and candidates more than ever. While many employers have made “return to office” plans, there are many still working remotely. Instead of candidates being on their daily commute or getting facetime with their boss, their time has been opened up in many cases to being a candidate or having video calls.

Just as well, a recruiting staff can grow through remote work! Like any other remote-capable field, your agency or hiring team can grow with someone from the other side of the country. Having someone in a different time zone and area code allows for flexibility, new areas of candidate for sourcing, as well as a great opportunity for attending virtual events together as a team much easier.

Remote work has been a tough challenge for companies to handle as the pandemic progressed, however many have embraced it as just an evolution of work-life balance. While it surely was in full swing during the pandemic, it seems remote work is here to stay. If you haven’t already, take advantage of video calling in your recruiting practice – it could be an avenue to try out more to better reach certain candidates!


Personalized Communication

We live in a digital age where email and text messaging are sure-fire ways to communicate with candidates. As a recruiter, establishing an ongoing relationship with candidates is a great way to really connect with them as you’re taking them through the hiring process. Being able to be personable throughout a recruitment process can be greatly improved with the use of video conferencing.

Starting in the first round or sometimes even in the screening round, video interviews have become quite the norm really quickly during the age of remote work. Being able to connect via Microsoft Teams or Google Meet quickly during a lunch hour has made it much smoother for candidates to meet with recruiters.

No longer are commutes to the office a standard practice for second round interviews. Typically, video conferencing interviews have replaced these all the way through the process for many recruiters. This can be a great way to still achieve some face-time with a candidate and really get to know them without having to be in the same room.


Time Saving

Doing many back to back meetings with candidates might not be ideal for most recruiters. However, instead of having candidates meeting at different times in a physical office, potentially getting lost or getting stuck in small talk prior to meetings, whatever may it be – the set time of a video interview is purely to get in and learn about your candidate.

In the long run, this can really save a ton of time for both candidates and recruiters. Being able to get in a few  video interview calls throughout the day can surely trim down the bulk of time it would normally take to get through those rounds in-person. Not to mention, the candidates will thank you for saving them from any commute time!


Digital Productivity

It has changed the way that we think about recruiting, with mute buttons and lagging wifi to blame. However, there have still been great ways to have productive intake meetings and interviews via video conferencing. Being able to see someone face to face can regularly mimic the feeling of meeting with someone, but from the comfort of your own home.

For recruiters, there have been many hiring managers taking advantage of this throughout the pandemic and getting hiring decisions made via video conferencing. With the opportunity to share documents, resumes, portfolio work, and more – there is still plenty of capability for recruiters to take advantage of through video conferencing.

One of the more productive ways recruiters have taken advantage of video interviewing has been having multiple hiring managers on calls or having different break-out rooms for different conversations with other stakeholders at a given company. There are endless possibilities with the tools these video conferencing softwares provide, and it is a great tool to use for recruiting in the modern age.


Comfortable Context

For many of us, we’ve found that staying indoors and where we’re most comfortable has been the best medicine during a pandemic. This has also translated into the other areas of our lives, as work has gone remote or hybrid, and people have seen benefits flourish.

For recruiters and candidates alike, it can help to make anybody comfortable wherever they may be. Sometimes being in a new setting, surrounded by lots of people can be overwhelming and lead a candidate to be much more nervous than they should be.

Allowing for a more comfortable environment through video conferencing is a very easy and effective way to improve a candidate’s experience. Sure they may still have some interviewing anxieties, but they will definitely be lessened when in their own setting.



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