Industry |
Job Orders |
Job Orders |
% Change |
General Manufacturing | 2,776 | 2,305 | +20% |
Restaurants, Fast Food, Catering, Cafeterias | 2,470 | 1,928 | +28% |
Health Care | 2,152 | 1,480 | +45% |
Hospital | 1,784 | 3,420 | -48% |
Outpatient Clinic | 1,317 | 2,218 | -41% |
Education, Schools, Libraries, Colleges, Universities | 1,271 | 2,089 | -39% |
Automotive, Vehicles | 1,192 | 1,080 | +10% |
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | 1,090 | 1,606 | -32% |
IT, Software (General), All Types of Software | 1,077 | 928 | +2% |
Chemicals Manufacturing | 1,025 | 813 | +3% |
“What are the ‘hottest’ industries for recruiters right now?”
This question is one that we get quite often. I’m sure it’s because Top Echelon’s split placement network has several thousand jobs shared to its recruiter split boards each month, and each job has an industry tied to it. We’ve been tracking industry statistics and trends for over 25 years.
At Top Echelon, we’re able to track such numbers through our split placement network. That’s because this network is a recruiting database in which recruiters share their job orders and candidates with one another for the purpose of making split placements.
There are over 400 recruiting firms across the country that are Preferred Members of Top Echelon’s recruiting network, and they share their information in order to leverage their time and resources with other recruiters. Ultimately, they want to fill their clients’ open positions with the best candidates possible in the shortest amount of time, and networking with other recruiters in a collaborative manner through our Network allows them to accomplish this.
With that in mind, we can find out which industries are the “hottest” through a couple of different means. One of those means is by the number of job orders that are submitted to the Network by Preferred Member recruiters.
That’s because, of course, the number of job orders that exist within a specific industry or niche is an accurate measuring stick for how hot the industry or niche is. More job orders mean more opportunities for placements.
As you can see by chart at the top of this blog post, the number of job orders shared by recruiters in TE Network™ has increased in six of the top 10 industries through the first nine months of this year, and some of the increases have been quite dramatic. Some prime examples are as follows:
- Health Care (up 45%)
- Restaurants, Fast Food, Catering, Cafeterias (up 28%)
- General Manufacturing (up 20%)
- Automotive, Vehicles (up 10%)
The number of job orders is often an indication of the health of the recruiting industry. With that in mind, the number of job orders in TE Network™ as of the end of the third quarter was up 24.6% over the same time last year.
More job orders = more placements = higher billings.
So it’s all good news . . . and we like good news at Top Echelon, especially when it deals with the job orders that recruiters submit to the Network.
Want an extra tool to help manage the increased number of applicants that you manage? Try out Top Echelon’s recruiting software for seamless organization of your process.