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Do Recruiters Care About What Happens in the Stock Market?

The Stock Market seems to be in the news just about every day, whether it’s going down, going up, what’s it’s doing, and what it might do.  But do executive recruiters care, at least as far as their recruiting desk is concerned?

We recently conducted a poll of TE Network™ recruiters to find out if recruiters care or not. As part of that poll, we asked the following question:

How concerned are you about the Stock Market in relation to your recruiting desk?


The choice of answers that we provided is listed below, along with the percentage of recruiters that selected each one:

  • Very concerned! — 2.5%
  • Somewhat concerned — 42.4%
  • I am neither concerned nor unconcerned. — 34.7%
  • Eh, whatever. — 16.9%
  • I could care less (and I do). — 3.4%


The Stock Market seems to be in the news just about every day, whether it’s going down, going up, what’s it’s doing, and what it might do. But do executive recruiters care, at least as far as their recruiting desk is concerned?

Well, according to our poll, only 2.5% are “very concerned” and another 42.4% are “somewhat concerned.” Add that up, and less than half of recruiters are concerned about the Stock Market to some degree. To any degree, actually.

Another third (34.7%) indicated that they are “neither concerned nor unconcerned” about the Stock Market. That, of course, leaves the remaining third, those recruiters that are not concerned in the least about the Stock Market in relation to their recruiting desk. In fact, some of them “could care less.”

Analysis and conclusion:

Recruiters do NOT seem to think there is a direct correlation between what happens in the Stock Market and their recruiting desk, at least according to this poll. At the very least, they don’t appear concerned with what happens in the Stock Market on a daily basis. However, if the Market continues to tank in the coming days and weeks, that might be a different story.

After all, what happens in the Market eventually has an impact on companies’ willingness to hire, and if companies are no longer willing to hire, that means they’ll no longer issue fresh job orders to recruiters. And if companies are no longer issuing fresh job orders to recruiters, that means recruiters will start to be concerned about what’s happening in the Stock Market.

So perhaps the true correlation is this: how much recruiters are concerned about the Market depends on how well the Market is doing.


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