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More Tips for Setting Recruiting Expectations with Candidates

In a previous blog post, we addressed setting expectations with clients as an agency recruiter or executive search consultant. And although we’ve touched on this topic before, we have even more tips for setting recruiting expectations with job seekers and candidates.

As we’ve stated before, you can’t outright control clients or candidates. But wouldn’t that be great? Of course it would, but that’s not reality. And what IS reality is that you can maintain control of the hiring process, or at the very least, you can greatly influence it. The way in which to do that effectively is by setting and then managing the expectations of clients and candidates.

And that’s why we’re back with more tips for setting recruiting expectations with job candidates. Especially top job candidates, the real superstars that your clients want to hire, and more importantly, are willing to pay you for.

Recruiting expectations: tackling candidates (not literally)

So let’s tackle candidates, shall we? (Not literally… but some recruiters would probably like to do so.)

Candidates can be even more unpredictable than clients during the placement process, especially as it appears to be winding down to a satisfying conclusion. Specifically, they’re prone to withholding information or throwing last-minute demands on the table right before the deal is about to go through. Then you have the “tire kickers.” These are candidates who aren’t really that serious about exploring other employment opportunities, but they’re just casually exploring what other jobs might be available.

Once again, the key to setting recruiting expectations with candidates is rooted in open dialogue at the beginning of the recruiting and hiring process. First and foremost, this helps to weed out the “tire kickers” so that your pool of candidates is as interested and motivated as it is qualified.

There’s nothing more frustrating to an agency recruiter or search consultant than reaching the end of the placement process, only to have a candidate turn down an offer because they decided that they’re happy where they’re at after all. And that’s even if their current employer did NOT make a counter-offer to them. Considering the pandemic in which we are currently mired, candidates don’t need much convincing to “hunker down” and stay where they are.

So at the outset of the process, let candidates know that you’re not putting together a tour group. In fact, you can be transparent with them. Tell them that you won’t be submitting a lot of candidates for the position, only a select group, and if they are part of that group, then they should take the process and their candidacy for the position very seriously.

Relocation: an added layer of complexity

This is especially the case if relocation is involved in any way, shape, or form. That’s because the prospect of relocation is one of the major reasons that a job candidate will drop out of the process and withdraw their candidacy. Sure, the idea of the job might seem great, but the reality of having to move across the country (especially during a pandemic) is not so great.

So set concrete recruiting expectations about the seriousness and parameters of the search and also about relocation, if that’s an issue.

And what about last-second demands from candidates? All of a sudden, they want this and that and this . . . without ever mentioning it before. Once again, set expectations with them up front, at the beginning of the process. A simple way to do that is to tell them that they’ll only receive what you are telling them that they’ll receive, and the reason that’s the case is because you are getting your information right from the hiring manager’s mouth. (So let it be written, so let it be done.)

Basically, you say to them, “If we don’t talk about it, then you’re not going to get it.”

For example, what if they ask about country club dues after the offer has already been made?

You ask them, “Did we talk about country club dues? No, we did not. That means you aren’t getting country club dues.”

Can you plan for every single contingency as an agency recruiter or search consultant? Of course not. However, you can set recruiting expectations that candidates will be less likely to try to circumvent.

Manage recruiting expectations with the right ATS

One way to set recruiting expectations with job seekers and candidates is to use the right applicant tracking system for your agency. Top Echelon Software has such an ATS, and it’s one of the most powerful and affordable solutions on the market!

Right now, we’re offering a FREE 15-day trial of our applicant tracking software for agency recruiters and executive search consultants. Please note that you will have access to the full version of the software during your trail and you do NOT need a credit card to start it.

Click HERE to start your free 15-day trial of our ATS.

If you want to continue with the software at the end of the trial, the cost is just $59.50 per user per month with the annual pricing plan. We also offer a live demo of the software so you can see its many time-saving features.

Click HERE to request a live demo of our applicant tracking software for recruiters!

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