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What Does Recruitment Software Do and How Does It Work?

In a previous podcast, we asked (and answered the question), “What is Recruiting Software and Who Uses It?” Now that we’ve covered that, let’s move to the next portion of our journey. Specifically, let’s discuss how recruitment software works.

Once again, recruiting software and recruitment software are one and the same. It’s simply a matter of nomenclature and semantics depending upon the part of the world in which you live:

  • Recruiting software—United States and North America
  • Recruitment software—United Kingdom, Europe, and just about everywhere else

And since we’re an equal opportunity service provider, we’re going to use them in an interchangeable fashion. Mainly because they are interchangeable. But enough about that. Back to the issue at hand. How does recruitment software work?

It’s important to keep in mind that the first recruiting software packages were desktop versions. For those of you who are “digital natives,” that means the software was confined solely to a desktop computer. In other words, it was not connected to the Internet, either because the Internet did not exist or people had yet to figure out how to connect it to the Internet. As you might imagine, the desktop versions of recruiting software had more limitations than the online versions that followed them.

In case you’re wondering, the Big Biller recruitment software as a desktop software before it joined the online revolution. However, since this is the year 2019, let’s assume that there are no recruiting software packages that are solely desktop versions. Sure, they might exist, but let’s focus on online packages only, shall we? If you’re a desktop version, I’m afraid we’re going to keep you and your limitations out of our discussion.

Recruitment software features and functionality

When it comes to the benefits of using a recruitment software, it all starts with data. That’s because information is how recruiters earn a living. It’s how they make their placements and make their money. It start with data, but it does not end with data. That’s because what you do with the data is extremely important. Data by itself is basically nothing. However, the application of that data is what makes all the difference, and the best recruiting software packages help recruiters maximize the use of their data.

But let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Once again, what does recruitment software do and how does it work?

#1—Allows you to easily import data.

Obviously, you don’t want to spend all data manually entering data into your recruitment software. No way. What you need are easier ways for data entry. Any recruiting software worth its salt should provide those easier ways. They could include the following tools:

  • Resume Parser
  • Email Parser
  • Contact Importer

The less time you spend on data entry, the more time you can spend on those activities that lead most directly to making placements.

#2—Holds your data securely.

Having all of your data on the World Wide Web can be a little scary. Sure, you don’t have to worry about a virus on your desktop or laptop computer corrupting all of your data, but still . . . are you sure that your data is still secure? The best recruitment software packages take every precaution to ensure the safety of its users’ data. Don’t settle for anything less.

#3—Allows you to search and find important data.

Once again, the data by itself is not that valuable. What you do with that data is valuable. The first step on the journey of using your data is searching for the right data and finding it. The right recruitment software should offer a simple interface and powerful search engine that allows you to find what you’re looking for in seconds.

#4—Allows you to post jobs.

You need more candidates, which means you need more exposure for your jobs. That’s why your recruiting software should be able to post your jobs to job posting sites LinkedIn, Monster, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and many more. All you need is to click a button and away you—and your jobs—go!)

#5—Tracks the placement process.

One of the best ways to save time is to be able to monitor the progress of all of your deals. This means keeping track of candidates, clients, and everything in between. Recruitment software tools that can help you accomplish this include:

  • Job Order Pipelines—These let you know what you’ve done, where you are, and what you need to do next with all of your open job orders.
  • Business Development (or Biz Dev) Hotlists—With this feature, you can add potential clients to a customizable Hotlist and track what you’ve done and what you need to do next to determine if the organization is a client or a source.

#6—Logs and schedules activities.

If you want to make more placements, then you need to stay organized. That means always knowing who, what, where, and when regarding the activities on your recruiting desk. You should look for a recruitment software that helps you to schedule events, meetings, calls, and tasks so you know what you need to do, what’s completed, and what’s overdue. (Hey, that even rhymes!)

#7—Emails candidates and clients.

If you want to make more placements and bill more, then you have to engage in recruitment marketing. This includes marketing your services to clients and potential clients and also marketing open positions to job seekers and passive candidates. Using your recruitment software to create templates and log emails can save time while keeping your agency “top of mind.”

#8—Produces reports for metrics.

If you can’t measure it, then how can you improve it? You can’t, that’s how. It’s also why you need a recruiting software package that will provide customized reports. That way, you can more easily analyze individual and team performance and make the adjustments necessary to continue increasing your agency’s production and revenue.

#9—Offers a website portal.

One of the benefits of driving candidates to your agency’s website is ability to post your open jobs on the site. You can accomplish this with a recruitment software that also includes a website portal. All you have to do is connect your website to the software and you can start posting jobs that will attract interested candidates. The resumes will flow like honey!

#10—Provides continuous data management and organization.

We started with the data . . . and we’re ending with the data. Ultimately, the effectiveness of your recruitment software depends on how much faith you have in it. You must have faith that your software will give you want you want, how you want it, when you want it. Recruiting is a “game of inches.” You want to get the right candidate in front of the hiring manager as quickly as you possibly can.

Recruiting software: the bottom line

So what’s the bottom line in regards to recruitment software? The bottom line is that recruiting software should help you make more placements. It should also help you make those placements more quickly. And when you’re able to accomplish both of those objectives, you will enjoy higher billings.

But in addition to everything outlined above, a recruitment software should be affordable. This is especially the case if you’re a solo practitioner or a small agency owner. The goal, of course, is to keep costs down and billings up. At the very least, you want to save money with your recruiting software so that you can spend that money somewhere else and generate even more nominations, sendouts, and placements.

Top Echelon is a leader in the recruiting software market. We’ve been servicing third-party recruiting agencies for over 20 years, and we offer one of the most affordable packages available. The cost for our annual plan, which includes a one-year agreement, is just $59.50 per user per month. For those who opt to pay month-to-month for the software, the price is $70 per user per month. You can see why the annual plan is such an attractive deal, especially for owners of larger recruiting agencies.

Right now, you can try our recruiting software for free. That’s right, just click here to sign up for a 15-day free trial.

This is the full version of the software with no limitations. Not only that, but you do NOT need to enter a credit card number to start your trial. So don’t delay. Start your free trial so you can streamline your workflow and make more placements!


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