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Tools to Help Recruiters Manage Their Email

TECH TREND: People receive a “stupid” amount of email these days.  In fact, according to the article below, workers receive an average of 15,000 messages per year and spend 13 hours each business week emailing.  As a recruiter, you live in email every day.  What can you do to not get overwhelmed and miss and opportunity to make a placement?

ARTICLE: “4 Tools to Better Manage Your Email” via

ANALYSIS: The article breaks down four email tools:

  1. Boomerang
  2. Rapportive (which is owned by LinkedIn)
  3. Inky
  4. Zoomin

The article also explains what they do, rates how well they perform, with which email clients they work, and how much they cost (if anything).

All four have applications for recruiters, especially if you want to make sure that you don’t miss an email from a client or candidate and that you respond to important emails as quickly as possible.  However, as with anything, personal preference plays a role, so it makes sense to try out the tools if you have time (especially the free ones) to see if they fit your tastes and the way you like to work.

The article also provides three tips for making email more efficient.

FEEDBACK: Do you use any of the email tools listed above?  If so, which ones and how well have they worked for you?  Do you use other recruiting tools for managing email?  Do you feel like you have no control over email and it’s overwhelming you? Do your current email efforts integrate with your recruiting software?  Please comment below.


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