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An Applicant Tracking Spreadsheet is One Way to Get More Organized

The hiring process is a complicated one with a seemingly endless number of recruitment process steps along the way. Heck, it can be complicated even when the involvement of human beings doesn’t make it more so. (And how often do humans complicate things?) That’s exactly why an applicant tracking spreadsheet is popular with those who are charged with the recruiting of candidates for open positions.

And yes, the applicant tracking spreadsheet can go by a number of different names, such as:

  • Candidate tracking spreadsheet
  • Recruitment tracking spreadsheet
  • Recruiting tracking spreadsheet
  • Recruiting spreadsheet
  • And so on and so on . . .

They’re all the same thing, which is an applicant tracking spreadsheet. As usual, before we traverse further, let’s formulate an official definition:

What is an applicant tracking spreadsheet?

An applicant tracking spreadsheet is a spreadsheet designed to help human resources personnel, internal recruiters, and independent recruiting agencies keep track of various pieces of information in one central location. This information can include candidates’ names, their address, the date they applied for employment, and the position or positions for which they applied.

The advantage of using a recruiting tracking spreadsheet (as opposed to using nothing at ALL) is obvious: enhanced communication. In the long run, that enhanced communication will lead to making better quality hires more quickly.

Below is a cursory glance at how an applicant tracking spreadsheet can prove beneficial. You can:

  • Keep a record of everybody who’s under consideration for a position, including if they’ve been phone screened or interviewed face-to-face.
  • Record information related to the evaluation of the candidates during each stage of the hiring process.
  • More easily share feedback and information among team members.
  • Track how long each stage of the process takes.
  • Better calculate the return that your organization is receiving on its investment of time, energy, and effort.

With a recruiting tracking spreadsheet, you get what you pay for

As you are probably well aware, a spreadsheet can take more than one form. That’s because more than one software program can produce a spreadsheet. The fact of the matter is that you can download applicant tracking spreadsheet templates for free on the World Wide Web.

Yes, you can share the information you add to a recruitment tracking spreadsheet. That way, everybody involved with the process can share information and communicate more effectively. But is that the best solution? You might view it as a free solution, but with many things, you get what you pay for. The bottom line is that free will only take you so far.

That’s because when it comes to identifying, interviewing, and hiring the best candidates available in the marketplace, time is of the essence. You’ve heard the phrase before: “Time kills all deals.” That phrase also applies to hiring top talent. You need to know how to close a candidate like that, because top talent has options. You’re not the only company and/or recruiter pursuing these candidates. They have other suitors.

That’s why free only takes you so far. What difference does it make if the applicant tracking spreadsheet is free, but you still aren’t able to hire the people you want to hire? What good is it? Not a lot of good. (But you still have that “free thing” going for you.)

No, what you want is a recruiting software and applicant tracking system, an actual piece of software that will give you much more in the way of power, capacity, and capability. Not only that, but what you want is an online applicant tracking system. Why is that? Check out our blog post about the advantages of an applicant tracking system.

5 reasons to break up with your applicant tracking spreadsheet

Speaking of the number five, below are five reasons why a recruiting firm should opt for an online applicant tracking system or recruiting software package instead of utilizing an applicant tracking spreadsheet.

#1—You can import spreadsheets of information

Nobody likes manual data entry. If somebody says they like it, they’re lying. An applicant tracking system will allow you to import a lot of information at one time. For example, you can important an Excel spreadsheet or .csv file. No endless and mindless typing of data. You have better things to do.

#2—You can parse resumes

Applicant tracking systems come equipped with resume parsing capabilities. This means with the push of a button, the software will extract all of the pertinent information from the resume. This information includes things such as work history, education, skills, and contact information.

Not only that, but some software packages also have what are called “email parsers.” With this functionality, you can email resumes right into the database, When you do so, the software will parse the resume, create a record, and attach the resume to the record. Presto!

#3—You can categorize information more easily

Getting the information into the system is only half the battle. Now that it’s in there, how do you categorize it? More importantly, how do you categorize it in an efficient and effective way? A good applicant tracking system will allow you to group not only candidates, but also companies and job orders, in any way you choose. Look at it as an “online filing cabinet.”

#4—You can correspond with your contacts more easily

With an applicant tracking spreadsheet, what if you want to email a certain number of contacts at the same time? How painful is that? An online applicant tracking system should have integrated email. This allows you to send targeted emails to whatever group of people you wish. You could send a mass email to a group of candidates letting them know about a new employment opportunity, saving time, energy, and effort with your contact management system.

#5—You can post online job advertisements

Sure, you can still use online job posting boards if you use a candidate tracking spreadsheet. However, when you use an online applicant tracking system with job board integration, job posting can be easier. Just like the resume parsing, with a click of the button, you can post your jobs to certain job board around the Internet. All you have do to is link your account to the software, and away you go, once again saving time. Remember: saving time is the ultimate goal.

Big Biller is an online applicant tracking system that meets all of the above criteria. In fact, it has even more functionality and power than what we’ve listed. Big Biller is 100% cloud-based, which means recruiters can access their data anywhere they have an Internet connection.

What’s that? What about mobile recruiting? Well, this is where an online applicant tracking system REALLY provides value. That’s because recruiters can access their data not just with their personal or desktop computer, but also with their smartphone and/or tablet device.

Free is nice, but hiring the candidates you want to hire is nicer. Opt for an online applicant tracking system that will do everything you want it to do and do it more quickly and efficiently.

Try a 30-day trial of the Big Biller applicant tracking system or sign up for a live demo.


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