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Split recruiting partners

How NOT to Micromanage Your Split Recruiting Partners

A split partner relationship can be a delicate thing. That’s because it depends on so many different factors, not the least of which are the personalities and preferences of the recruiters involved. We at Top Echelon have seen many such relationships during our more than 30 years of existence. And

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The #1 question when recruiters accept a job order

The #1 Question When a Recruiter Takes a Job Order

In a previous blog post, we addressed the three factors that contribute most directly to a recruiter’s revenue. One of those factors is the quality of the job order. The job order is a critical part of a search for any recruiter. A lot of things hinge on it. That’s

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A Move in the Right Direction with Relocation Assistance

Relocating for a new position can be a great opportunity for your candidates and clients. However, it is also a big commitment for both parties. Relocation assistance allows for a smoother transition. But, how do you know what clients should include as relocation support?

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What Do Recruiters Think About Working with a VMS?

In a recent blog post, Debbie Fledderjohann of Top Echelon Contracting presented “10 Pitfalls of Working with a Vendor Management System.” That post was based upon the experiences of TEC over the past two decades. But what do recruiters think about working with a VMS? TE Network™ is a

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recruitment value

Promoting Your Agency’s Recruitment Value to Clients

So many things were supposed to replace recruiters. The Internet was supposed to replace recruiters. Then big job boards like Monster and CareerBuilder were supposed to replace them. During the past few years, social media (specifically LinkedIn) was supposed to do the job. But recruiters are still here. Why is

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Why candidates turn down a job offer

6 Reasons Why Candidates Are Turning Top Job Offers

It’s a candidates’ market right now, which has plenty of implications for employers and recruiters. One of those implications involves candidates turning down job offer. Specifically, it affects which offers they will accept . . . and which ones they will not. Remember back in the “good old days” of

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