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3 MORE Tips for Reducing Recruiter Stress

In my previous blog post, I gave three tips for reducing recruiter stress.  Today, I’m back with three more tips! TIP #4 — Simplify Your Life Apply the “80/20 Rule” to your life.  You are only wearing 20% of your clothes, you are only using 20% of the items in

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recruiter stress

3 Tips for Reducing Recruiter Stress

The phrase, “I’m so stressed out!” could describe our clients, candidates, co-workers, family members, and often ourselves! As a recruiter, you have the challenge of human beings who talk back on both sides of your sale. They’ve been known to delay decisions and change their minds, as you’ve discovered during

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lower classification

We Hired the Candidate in a Lower Classification

Welcome to our series of posts in the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog: “Jeff Allen’s Collection Tip of the Week.” Each week, we’ll highlight one collection tip from Allen, JD/CPC, the world’s leading placement lawyer. Since 1975, Allen has collected more placement fees, litigated more trade secret cases, and assisted more

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search assignment

Should You Take That Search Assignment From a New Client?

Before you start calling those candidates for the search assignment you were just given by a new client, ask yourself a few of these questions. Use this matrix to test each prospective client. Rank it on a scale of one to 10, with 10 the best rating and one the worst. Add

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master communicator as a recruiter

5 Ways to Become a Master Communicator as a Recruiter

Are your teams burned out or are you? Are you feeling like you are always fighting fires or dealing with team, candidate, or client conflict? Constant conflict drains our energy and sabotages our efforts as a recruiter. In any relationship, there is a big difference between being assertive to establish

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recruiters optimistic

Recruiters Optimistic About the Second Half of the Year

We recently conducted a poll of TE Network™ recruiters by posting a question in the Members’ Area. That question was as follows: How would you characterize your thoughts about the second half of the year on your desk? Results: The choice of answers that we provided is listed below,

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enthusiasm and self-confidence in recruiting

The Sources of Enthusiasm and Self-Confidence in Recruiting

Ours is a unique profession. Most of us got into recruitment after pursuing some other endeavor. Most of us didn’t go to a college or university to get a degree in recruitment. But, for whatever reason, we ended up in this fascinating profession. And then, right away, our manager or

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“We Hired the Candidate at a Lower Starting Salary”

Welcome to our series of posts in the Top Echelon Recruiter Training Blog: “Jeff Allen’s Collection Tip of the Week.” Each week, we’ll highlight one collection tip from Allen, JD/CPC, the world’s leading placement lawyer. Since 1975, Allen has collected more placement fees, litigated more trade secret cases, and assisted more

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focus on problems

Recruiters, Do You Focus on Problems . . . or Solutions?

When it comes to problems and issues, it’s not a question of if they will happen, it’s more a matter of when! As recruiters, we deal with human beings on both sides of our sale, which guarantees inevitable problems. Think for a moment of how you react to the following scenarios:

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