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Perfect Acceptance Ratio

A Near-Perfect Offer-to-Acceptance Ratio? Absolutely!

In my previous two blog posts, I explored the subject of compensation and how it should be dealt with during the placement process: “4 Numbers Clients Should Know Before Making an Offer” “When Client and Candidate Discuss Money, It Means . . .” In these posts, I’ve emphasized the fact

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Recruiter Marketing

2 QUICK Recruiting Tips for Better Marketing

Below are two quick recruiting tips for better marketing that have come up in conversations with people recently: 1. When you want to reboot a dormant client, if you have enjoyed working with them in the past, write a positive recommendation for them on their LinkedIn profile. People LOVE getting public

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Writing a Job Order

6 Pieces of Information for Writing a Job Order

When you’re writing a job order, you need to get six pieces of information.  After those six pieces of information are secured, you’re going to look at your watch and say to the hiring manager, “Gee, how time flies. I must leave for an appointment; however I need more information

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Caution Candidate

Clients Should Know: You Get What You Pay For

I see this everywhere.  Companies that are unwilling to pay for an A-player struggle along with teams composed of B and C-players. In a high-demand, low-supply market, companies like this really suffer.  Candidates think if you are cheap with people, then you will be cheap with everything else.  Companies can’t

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Hiring Manager and Candidate

When a Client and Candidate Discuss Money, It Means THIS

In a previous blog post, I discussed the four numbers that every client needs to know before they extend an offer to one of your candidates. Of course, these are numbers that you, as the recruiter, should be keeping as a data-point in your recruiting software and providing to the

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Recruiting Productivity

5 Important Recruiting Tips for Increased Production

For years, I’ve handed out plastic frogs while training at conferences.  This was my attempt to encourage attendees to “swallow the biggest frog first.”  In other words, complete the task they least desire first each day.  This clears their mind to then work at their highest level of performance. Recently, I

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Soccer Player on the Ground

Clients Should Know: Playing the Field is a Losing Strategy

Recruiting today is experiencing a significant market shift.  As talent demand continues to increase and the talent pool shrinks, it becomes much more difficult to locate and persuade A players to take a look at new opportunities. We hear from clients across the country that job boards aren’t working anymore

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Closing the Deal

2 Ways the Candidate Closes During an Interview

John Lewis was a recruiter, trainer, and manager.  He excelled at everything he tried in the recruitment business—a business that is very oriented toward people with sales experience and/or sales aptitude.  John had those sales instincts, and he also had a very dry wit and was really, really funny. One

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