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recruiter places candidate police arrest candidate

Recruiter Places Candidate . . . Police Arrest Candidate

Top Echelon is back with another crazy recruiting story! Last week’s story involved a boa constrictor and a candidate who didn’t get past the face-to-face interview. This week, our story deals with a candidate who did get past the interview stage . . . but not past the guarantee period.

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recruiters can become less distracted

How Recruiters Can Become Less Distracted

Recruiters, do you find yourself easily distracted at work? That lack of focus will destroy any chance you have of developing good time management skills. The good news is that recruiters CAN become less distracted! Imagine arriving at work and your entire office is covered with $100 bills from the floor

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recruiters and voicemail

Recruiters and Voicemail: What Response Do They Get?

When it comes to phone calls, recruiters make plenty of marketing calls to companies in the hopes of landing new job orders and working on searches. However, what about recruiters and voicemail? A decline in voicemail could have a detrimental effect on the marketing efforts of recruiters, unless they’re also marketing

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crazy recruiter story the boa constrictor interview

Crazy Recruiting Story: the Boa Constrictor Interview

As we mentioned last month, we’re looking for your craziest recruiting story! Of course, the first one that we published for public consumption was a real doozie . . . and we’re back with another “tale of recruiting woe.” A story to take your breath away . . . Down

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Make Sure Your Recruiter Goals are Emotionally Compelling

Recruiters, make sure to plan your work and work your plan.  It’s a proven fact that you will become more successful if you have a daily written plan.  Planning your day will help you with time management.  Top producers have many habits in common, and having a plan is one

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Effective Recruiter Marketing with the FAB Approach

I am a great believer in making scintillating recruiter marketing presentations. By implementing the Feature-Advantage-Benefit (FAB) approach, marketing can be fun! The FAB presentation is an easy format to learn and can be used with either an ‘Idea’ presentation or a Most Placeable Candidate (MPC) presentation. It works with either,

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Are Recruiters Texting Candidates and Hiring Managers?

Recruiting is a communication profession. You’re constantly communicating with candidates, hiring managers, other recruiters, researchers, etc., etc. But the big question is this one: HOW are you communicating with these people? Over the telephone is one way, of course, the chief way, in fact. Some recruiters use email that integrates with

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How Many Marketing Calls Do Recruiters Make Each Day?

You’ve heard it over and over again—recruiting is a sales profession. Of course it is. It’s a unique sales profession, since there are people on both sides of the sale. A sales profession means marketing calls (cold calls). However, just like everybody else, not all recruiters like to make marketing calls.

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